(Español) CEGA inaugura sistema geotérmico único en el mundo, en la precordillera de Arica y Parinacota
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(Español) Investigadora social analiza discurso público en torno a la energía geotérmica
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(Español) BrineMine: Workshop de cierre
Expositores: (Español) Diego Morata, Valentin Goldberg, Ignacio Pérez y Sofía Vargas
Read moreAbout Us
CEGA is a Fondap-Conicyt project that began operations during the first half of 2011. CEGA comprises a team of researchers from the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Chile, with scientists from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and other international institutions. Its five main research fields are: Heat Sources; Fluid and Isotopic Geochemistry; Heat-Fluid-Rock Interaction; Structural Controls and Geophysics; Reservoir architecture and Modelling.
About Us
CEGA is a Fondap-Conicyt project that began operations during the first half of 2011. CEGA comprises a team of researchers from the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at the University of Chile, with scientists from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and other international institutions. Its five main research fields are: Heat Sources; Fluid and Isotopic Geochemistry; Heat-Fluid-Rock Interaction; Structural Controls and Geophysics; Reservoir architecture and Modelling.

About Us
At the Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence we work to generate and improve geothermal knowledge in Chile. Our mission is to develop geothermal energy as a sustainable, environmentally friendly and economically competitive resource in order to contribute to the energy requirements in Chile and the Andean countries.

About Us
The Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA) is funded by CONICYT FONDAP Program. CEGA is located at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile and comprises a team of researchers from the University of Chile, along with scientists from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and other international institutions.
After the first five-year period (2011-2015), CEGA obtained FONDAP Program funds to continue operations for five years more (2016-2020). In this new stage, we will focus our efforts in the following goals:
- Establish a comprehensive geological model for the Andean geothermal systems.
- Form highly trained professionals in basic and applied research in geothermal energy.
- Promote national and international networking with other world-class research centers.
- Increase public awareness and promote geothermal as a renewable, clean and alternative energy.
- Incorporate applied sciences and engineering.

About Us

About Us
Academic training is a key element of CEGA. Our goal is to educate advanced human capital at the highest level, who will be able to join the industry and academia in order to develop basic and applied research in geothermal energy, with special emphasis on the Andes and Latin America.

Our Team
José Miguel Cembrano
Linda Daniele
Sara Elgueta
saelgueta@ing.puc.cl / selgueta11@gmail.com
Sofia Vargas
Benigno Godoy
Juvenal Letelier
Jaime Araya
Pablo Sánchez-Alfaro
John Browning
(Español) jbrowning@ing.puc.cl
Patricia Larrea
Rurik Romero
(Español) rurikrom@gmail.com
Karin García
Esteban Micco
(Español) esteban.micco.h@gmail.com
Santiago Maza
Cecilia Ibarra
Alida Perez-Fodich
M. Ayaz Alam
Christian Betancourt
(Español) chris.betanco@gmail.com
Pablo Molina
Estefanía Camus
Marcela Pizarro
Nicole Blin Lizasoain
Valentina Mura
(Español) vrmura@uc.cl
Loreto Hernández
(Español) loreto.hernandez@ug.uchile.cl
Darío Hübner
Pedro Simunovic
Daniel Elizalde
(Español) jdelizalde@uc.cl
Belén Muñoz
(Español) belenmunoz@ug.Uchile.cl
Matías Clunes
Jorge Sanhueza
Valentin Goldberg
(Español) valentin.goldberg@kit.edu
Valeria Bustamante
(Español) valeria.bustamante@ug.uchile.cl
Cristobal Cuevas
(Español) cristobal.cuevas.cc@gmail.com
Carla Barbosa
(Español) carla.barbosa@ug.uchile.cl
Nicole Briones
(Español) nkbriones@uc.cl
Daniel Balzan
(Español) daniel_balzan@hotmail.com
Javiera Véliz
(Español) jconstanzaveliz@gmail.com
Camila López
(Español) calopez23@uc.cl
Camila Loaiza
(Español) camila_loa@hotmail.com
Daniela Parra-Encalada
(Español) danielaparraencalada@gmail.com
Ignacio Pérez
(Español) ignacio.perez.1@ug.uchile.cl
Maximiliano Seguel
(Español) maximiliano.seguel@ug.uchile.cl
Ignacio Quiroga
(Español) ignacio.quiroga@ug.uchile.cl
Luis Naranjo
(Español) lnaranjomardones@outlook.com
Felipe Sáez
(Español) fcsaez@uc.cl
Amanda Peña
(Español) amanda.pena@ug.uchile.cl
Indra Bernal
Paul Rodríguez
Agustín Valenzuela
Matías Villarroel
Fernanda Gallegos
Juan Patricio Alarcón
(Español) juan.alarcons@usach.cl
Bárbara Bravo
About geothermal energy
If you want a copy of these files, please contact us at sotero@ing.uchile.cl