Chile Will Host International Meeting on Geothermal Energy

Tuesday, 13 de June

(CEGA, 12th June) Between 11th and 13th of May, the board meeting of the International Geothermal Association (IGA) was held in Germany, in which the director of CEGA, Dr. Diego Morata, participated as a board member. During the event it was announced that CEGA will host the next in Chile.

“It will be the first time that Santiago of Chile receives all the experts of the IGA. The meeting will be held in late November and early December in dependencies of the Department of Geology and will be an opportunity to communicate what CEGA does, and at the same time it is an international backing for the work we have been doing”, said Morata.

During the three days of work, topics such as the positioning of geothermal energy in the international field and how to enhance the direct use of geothermal energy were addressed, in response to the energy needs that are faced for issues such as food generation and climate change. “There is a consensus that IGA must develop geothermal for the societies well being, therefore our objectives of work at CEGA are in full agreement with IGA guidelines . This fills me with pride” added the Professor of the Department of Geology.

At the meeting, Morata gave a presentation on why Chile was to host the next meeting, in which he highlighted four factors: “We were the third or fourth country to develop geothermal energy worldwide – first was Italy, then Japan – and in 1917 The United States and Chile began a geothermal exploration campaigns; secondly, we were one of the first countries to have an exploratory well, in 1920 we built one in El Tatio; thirdly, this year the first geothermal plant in South America is being built in Chilean territory, and lastly, because CEGA is the only geothermal center in South America, and our level of excellence is internationally recognized”, commented CEGA’s director.

The international relevance of IGA

IGA was founded in 1988 and is a scientific, educational and cultural organization with about 5,000 members in more than 65 countries. IGA objectives  are to encourage research, the development and utilization of geothermal resources worldwide through the publication of scientific and technical information among the geothermal specialists, the business community, governmental representatives, UN organizations, civil society and the general public.

For Diego Morata, being on the board of the organization is important as not only “it means to be part of the association that brings together the different sectors of geothermal development – from academia, research, the productive sectors-  but it is also the opportunity to sit next to the players who are directing the future of this association for the next 4 years”, said Morata.

CEGA has been part of IGA for 5 years as an institutional member – affiliations can be by institutional category, national geothermal societies and persona. In 2016, Diego Morata was invited to present his nomination to the board of the IGA, composed by 32 people.  At the regional level, there are only two representatives: from Costa Rica and Chile.

More information at IGA web page: