Field works to determine geothermal potential of Aysen started this summer

Monday, 26 de September

Since the beginning of January (2015) until the end of the month, a CEGA research team will be conducting recognition, analysis and sampling of different existing thermal manifestations in the region.

A researchers team and students from CEGA is executing the first field tasks in Coyhaique, Aysen and General Carrera, under the “Estimation and enhancement of the geothermal potential of Aysen” project. The initiative has support from both the Regional Government of Aysen and the Innovation Fund for Competitiveness, with a total contribution of $ 150 million (chilean pesos).

In this regard, Ana Valdés, Mining Seremi, said: “This study is critical to our region, it will let us be the first area of the country to have an assessment of this renewable energy resource; but certainly, the most important thing is that we will have an invaluable tool for implementing government policies in matters of Mining, Energy and Environment, which is why we will have a coordinated work with both institutions”.
Besides estimating geothermal potential of the region, the project includes the identification and characterization of the different existing thermal manifestations in the area; generating a geothermal favorability map, a map that states the probability of occurrence of geothermal systems suitable for power generation ; and the proposal for a pilot project for direct use of geothermal energy in the area.