Villarrica will host the meeting “Volcano, Energy and Community”
Thursday, 13 de OctoberThe activity seeks to promote communication among people from Araucanía, researchers and local authorities.
One of the main purposes of the meeting “Volcano, Energy and Community” is to approach volcanoes from different perspectives and experiences. The activity will take place on November 3rd, at the Villarrica Campus of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.
The meeting is open to the public and includes three panel discussion that will focus on energy, tourism and the historically bond between local people and their volcano. In order to cover these issues, several parties have been invited: representatives of the Mapuche Territorial Council of Pucón, the National Emergency Office, the Ministry of Energy, the University of Chile and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, among others.
During this activity the conversation will also address the challenges of community integration in energy projects, by sharing local experiences and projects from communities of northern and southern Chile.
The “Volcano, Energy and Community” meeting is organized by the Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA), along with the Millennium Center for Energy and Society Research (NUMIES), the Centre for Local Development and the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research (CIIR).
Sofia Vargas, researcher from the Geothermal and Society area, says the objective is the integration of various points of view: “We want to generate this discussion in Villarrica because it brings together actors who have different views on volcanoes. We will count with the participation of Mapuche communities living around the Villarrica volcano, and also the experiences of tour operators and researchers who observe and study volcanoes in the region. The meeting seeks to have a social focus, so we do not want it to be an academic meeting. We want to include representatives from different sectors”.
Francisca de la Maza, CIIR`s Deputy Director, explains that the meeting will be an opportunity to talk with people who are directly involved in these issues: “This means sharing in a more balanced context than scientific knowledge is normally used to. It is an opportunity for researchers to contribute to knowledge dissemination, as an ethical duty, for more equal information and communication conditions, where the contribution of the subjects it is valued and recognized”
- The meeting is public and free. Registrations are open in this link:
Contac: - View the meeting programme