viernes, 17 de marzo
The Andean Geothermal Center of Excellence (CEGA) at the Department of Geology, Universidad de Chile, invites applications for a Postdoctoral position in the area of Geophysics. The successful candidate will conduct geophysical studies to better understand structural and stratigraphic controls on geothermal systems along the Chilean Andes. These studies should contribute to constrain the geometry and nature of geological factors controlling the regional-scale distribution of geothermal areas and/or the local-scale anatomy of geothermal reservoirs. The postdoctoral researcher should present research results at scientific meetings and publish in peer-reviewed journals.
Applicants must have a recently completed doctoral degree (PhD or equivalent) in Geosciences or a related field with expertise in applied geophysical techniques. Experience in acquiring, processing and modelling magnetotelluric data is required. Knowledge of potential field geophysical methods and familiarity with geothermal/hydrothermal systems in the Chilean Andes is desirable. The successful candidate should have a record of publication in peer-reviewed journals. Active collaboration with foreign geoscientific institutions would be advantageous. Proficiency in both written and oral English is required. Working knowledge of Spanish language is a plus. The candidate should be autonomous, flexible, proactive, and able to work well as part of a multi-disciplinary research team.
This is a full time position starting 1st May 2017. The position is fully funded for a two year term with the possibility of renewal for up to one additional year based on satisfactory job performance.
Applications must be received by April, 14th 2017. Interested candidates should send their scientific proposal, CV and two letters of recommendation by email to Dr. Diego Morata, dmorata@ing.uchile.cl.